

Jesus snatched me up one month before my 16th birthday. It’s a crazy God story, and one I love to tell. I knew early on in my journey that I was called to pastor but I had no desire to do it, so instead I ran like hell.

After 20 months in college of pure insanity and rebellion against God I stopped running, and started living. I began to accept my role in God’s story.

Since then I have competed to make the world team in wrestling, played football for the New Orleans Saints, coached at a collegiate level, and sold copy machines—every event pointing me toward Atlanta.

For 6 years now I have committed my life to reaching the people that everyone else walked away from. It has been a wild ride, but I don’t regret one second of it.

I have come to love Atlanta deeply, and intend to serve faithfully as we see the peace and love of God reconcile people to their creator and communities to each other.

To blow a little steam I enjoy boxing, MMA, studying theology, history, leadership, church structure and poetry. I’m also a ridiculous audiophile—I love music!  Soul music like Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, and Jimi Hendrix (the blues albums).

I also enjoy working out, watching football and rugby, playing with my daughters, hanging with the homeless dudes outside my loft and going to art shows.

I’ve lived in the Grant Park community of Atlanta with my wife Breanna for 6 years, and we hope to raise our two daughters (and future son) right here!

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